Tuesday, 22 February 2011

So far away

Tuesday 22nd February 2011 will be remembered as a sad day.

Today at 1250 NZ time a 6.3 earthquake struck Christchurch - less than 6 months after Christchurch experienced a 7.1 earthquake. NZ congratulated itself and breathed a sigh of relief at dodging the bullet of casualties the first time; today we were not so lucky. 65 dead - scores missing/trapped....

I say 'we' because I am that strange creature - the 'ex-pat' - I am still a New Zealander 100%. Through the wonders of modern technology I was connected; a witness but the 'tyranny of distance' meant I was impotent. 

Today, my fellow NZers were killed by the wildness that makes New Zealand so beautiful and I watched. I watched and cried along with those who were rescued, narrowly escaped and surveyed their broken homes and workplaces. I gasped at the mess of the Cathedral. I felt the shock and fear through the camera lens.

I go to bed tonight sad, praying that the morning brings news of miraculous rescues, survival after a cold night and not statistics.

God bless Christchurch.

1 comment:

  1. I thought of you when I saw the news this morning... So sad. Praying for miracles.
