Thursday, 3 February 2011

Luke can move!

Luke is 6 months old and 2 days. For several weeks now he has been rolling both ways but hadn't really put it all together. This morning the penny fell --- he can MOVE - a variety of rolling, dragging and pushing backwards with his little feet.

We are SO not ready - so we will be watching him like a hawk until I can get some of the non-baby-safe items out of reach of his little fingers.

This new found movement coincides with his 'getting the hang' of solids. Now there is barely enough time during the day to do anything but feed and water the baby!

Our new schedule
700 - awake
715 - breastfeed
800 - breakfast - oats and fruit/yoghurt
830 - 1000 nap
1015 - breastfeed
1130 - lunch - toast cheese/eggs etc.
1200-1300 - nap
1315 - breastfeed
1500-1600 nap
1615 - breastfeed
1800 - dinner - vege puree - hopefully soon will include meat and be a scaled down version of what we're having
1815 - bath
1830 - final breastfeed and bed - asleep without a peep!

Of course Luke being like his Mummy there is scope for off days and snacks (both breastfeeding and solids) in there!

1 comment:

  1. way to go Luke!!! I am not ready for a moving baby either...hopefully mine waits a bit ;)
